Tag Archives: Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services

Join us online, on our Facebook page, for Maundy Thursday Home Communion Service, which will begin at 7:00 p.m. ​ Our very talented musician, Julie Myers, will be sharing a time of hymns and meditational music beginning at 6:00.
In preparation for this service, you should:
1) Prepare your own elements before the service begins and have them close at hand when you connect to the broadcast at 7:00 on Facebook.
2) Use bread and grape juice (or wine) if you already have them available. Otherwise, use any beverage of your choice for your drink and any food (crackers, cookies, Cheetos, etc.) to eat. God will take care of the rest.
On Good Friday night at 7 o’ clock Rev. Dave Poland will be live streaming an original (!), dramatic presentation called “Judas and the Mirror.” You are invited and encouraged to tune in again on our church Facebook page and watch. There will be no bulletin, no music, no “extras” for this presentation, just an imaginary rendering of what Judas may have gone through after his betrayal. You will be watching his self-discourse through your side of a two-way mirror as he struggles with the aftermath of the deed that is his undoing.